Product Description
Silt Fence Benefits & Applications
Prevents soil erosion from rainfall, stormwater sheet flow, & channel flow
Sediment Stabilization
Soil Stabilization
Environmental Protection
Erosion Control
Sediment Control
Slope Stabilization
Soil Reinforcement
Support in Channels
Land Restoration Projects
Slope or Channel Erosion Control
Slopes up to 2:1
Low flow channels
Specifications & ASTM Test Methods
Weight ASTM D5261
Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D4632
Grab Elongation ASTM D4632
Trapezoid Tear ASTM D4533
CBR Puncture ASTM D6241
Permittivity ASTM D4491
Water Flow ASTM D4491
A.O.S ASTM D4751
U.V. Resistant ASTM D4355
Step-By-Step Instructions For Installing A Silt Fence
Step 1: Lay Out a Path and mark it for your Silt Fence, knowing that it is intended to prevent Silt from Washing Downhill off your worksite. You then install your Silt Fence in line with, not perpendicular to, the contour of your site. Install the fence run below the areas you're disturbing. Also, avoid creating U-shaped fenced-in low spots where rainwater and sediment could collect.
Step 2: Dig a Trench for the entire run of your Silt Fence that is at least 4 inches deep. A V-shaped trench is the easiest if you're digging by hand. But a 4"x 4" square trench works as well.
Step 3: Set the stakes as you move along, burying the bottom of the silt fence fabric and pounding the fence stakes into the ground every eight feet. We used a 10-lb. maul. The silt fence should stand at least 14 inches above the ground; check the regulations in your area. Where two sections of silt fence meet, overlap the wall ends to cover a span of two posts.
Step 4: Backfill the Trough you dug and make sure the uphill side of the silt fence fabric is buried and underground. Use a Compactor and Tamp the Soil firmly over the fabric. You don't have to place the dirt behind the fabric and the stakes. Just make sure that all of the stakes are solidly in the ground to keep the fence from collapsing and causing damage to the area that you are working in.